South Whidbey Yacht Club
Copyright © 2025 www.whidbeylocal.com
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South Whidbey Yacht Club is passionate about boating. We conduct annual adult and youth sailing programs in the summer, club cruises, sailboat racing, monthly meetings, educational presentations, and social events such as the Commodore’s Ball, Crab Fest, Opening Day, and after-race barbecues. Come join us as a member, sailing student, or just to attend an event or meeting to see who we are and what we do.
We believe sailing, perhaps more than any other activity, teaches skills that are useful throughout one’s life. For youth, sailing also improves self-esteem, adds knowledge, and builds self-confidence. For adults, it does the same, but also provides a great way to relax and enjoy nature.
Call us today to expand your horizons, and experience a new adventure!
Contact Information: www.swyachtclub.org
Commodore Bob: 360-969-2646