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Experience the magic of movies under the stars like never before with    Double Feature Club Memberships! Designed for movie enthusiasts and families alike, our memberships offer an unparalleled entertainment experience that's as convenient as it is thrilling.   How It Works: Sign Up: Joining is a breeze! Simply sign up for one of our 4 Memberships online. Link Your Digital Membership Card: Once you're signed up, you'll receive a link to add your personalized membership card to a mobile wallet, granting you instant access to all the perks. Enjoy Your Perks: Show your digital membership to enjoy free movies and discounts!   CLICK HERE TO JOIN

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78 results found in Businesses for clubs
The Coupeville Lions Club will hold its annual Garage Sale on Saturday June 25 and Sunday June 26 at the Coupeville Elementary School. All profits from the sale are donated by the Lions to the community, through programs and projects of...

PO Box 473, Coupeville, WA, USA, 98239

FamilyCare Fitness Center LLC

11042 SR 525, Clinton, WA, USA, 98236

1301 SE Catalina Dr, Oak Harbor, WA, USA, 98277

PO Box 907, Oak Harbor, WA, US, 98277

Coupeville Fitness Center

35 Northwest 1st, Coupeville, WA, US, 98239

Always open to the public, Holmes Harbor Golf Course in Freeland, WA is an executive-style golf course that treats you to a variety of playing challenges while enjoying panoramic views of Holmes Harbor, and the Cascade...

5023 Harbor Hills Dr, Freeland, WA, US, 98249

Serving the entire world, Oak Harbor, WA, US, 98277

Andiamo….lets go sailing! Tour the spectacular scenery around Whidbey Island, or venture out for an extended journey to the San Juan Islands with Penn Cove Sailing (associated with Leisure Yacht Charters). See unmatched scenic...

200 NW Coveland St, Coupeville, WA, US, 98239

Coupeville, WA, USA, 98239

15426 A Airport Dr, Burlington, WA, US, 98233

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